Thursday 2 August 2007

The website fo' Johnny Bowdens great pictures an' philosophy. Ya' dig?

You've all got ta believe me when I tell ya dat Johnny Bowden iz uh great artist. His paintings iz an inspiration ta da negroid nation. Put those hands in yo' pockets peeps an' git buying his pictures. They iz da bomb. A link ta his excellent site iz listed below. and git Sheniquah's ass back ova' heeah.

Here'smuh ma fuckin nigga'sgreat art website. you know das right!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Art? Where? Quite frankly I wouldrather have my buttocks splayed in the Blue Oyster Bar and have my bum tickled with a chair leg.........again, than have any of that trash on my walls, or what I mean is the walls at my mums house. Because I'm a single guy, no interest in women and in my 40's and still live with my mother. The internet gives me a degree of freedom to be the man I don't have the guts to be in real life.