Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Things iz going our way!

In dis here article I wants ta take uh brief peep at recent developments concerning da New Nationalist Party (NNP) an' da implications o' deez developments fo' those o' us who wants somethin' bettah fo' da British peeps. I be going ta suggest dat dere iz encouraging signs dat events iz swinging decisively against da NNP an' in our favour. I also wants ta offer some reflections on how ta take advantage o' deez trends.

The NNP leadership election.

Any watcher o' British nationalism who has not been spending da summer touring da remoter parts o' da solar system will now be aware dat da NNP has landed itself wiff Sharon Ebanks as its leader fo' da indefinite future. Some 43% o' its members voted in its leadership election an' 91% o' those who bothered ta cast uh vote at all in da election voted fo' Sharon. You might be surprised ta learn dat I be delighted about dis here. Indeed, had I not resigned from da NNP in 2002 I'd prob'ly gots voted fo' Sharon myself. Why? Because it means dat da NNP, under da lacklustre an' sleaze-ridden leadership o' dis here buffoon, iz going nowhere. And as dis here gradually becomes apparent ta mo' an' mo' o' its followers then dey iz going ta be looking fo' new political homes. This could well open up political space fo' those o' us whose idea o' strategic planning goes somewhat beyond simply sitting back an' waiting fo' da great British public ('inevitably') ta wake up. That only 39% o' da NNP could be bothered ta endorse they leader in an election suggests dat he iz not widely loved by da membership. And dis here in turn suggests dat if he do not produce some fairly remarkable rabbits o' out da hat within da next year or so then he could well be in deep static, as could his organization.


Already we's gots seen several posters on da whitey nationalist Stormfront Internet 'discussion forum' urging da NNP leadership ta throw out da dissenters. 'Now iz da tyme ta purge da traitors' roars uh singularly aggressive poster wiff da pseudonym 'Up da Bum'. 'Absolutely spot on. Let'sbe rid o' dem by November . . .' replies another wiff da nym 'Purging da Snide'. Of course, dere may well indeed be uh purge o' dissident NNP members. Even if dere'snahh purge, peeps iz going ta feel very wary o' opening they mouths. The problem iz dat Sharon can't smoke dissidents in da back o' da neck. He can't make dem jet away. They're still going ta be alive, even if purged. Not only dat but they're going ta be politically active an' hopping mad. In short, they're going ta be looking fo' uh new political home.

The peaking NNP vote.

There iz also some evidence dat da NNP'sappeal ta da great British electorate might gots peaked. Before da local elections in May 2007, predictions wuz dat da NNP would extend da gains dat it had made earlier an' bring in an additional 0.5 ta 0.9 councillors. In da event, it made uh gain o' just one councillor in dat election – an' even dis here wuz cancelled out when uh NNP councillor defected uh few days later. Given da difficulties faced in recent years by da one-party-with-three-names (Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat) it iz not surprising dat da NNP gained nah councillors in da past, nor iz it surprising dat Sharon should gots taken credit fo' it. However, da one-party-with-three names iz now getting its act together. Labour has ditched Yo Blair an' will shortly wind down Britain'spresence in Iraq. This will cause many who could not stomach Blair'sapproach ta drift back ta Labour. Indeed, polls iz already showing uh distinct 'Brown bounce'. The Tories iz beginning ta show dat dey iz unimpressed by they latest boss an' dere iz signs dat his exit might only be uh few lost elections away, which could lead ta dem adopting uh credible leader fo' da first tyme since da demise o' Margaret Thatcher. The Lib Dems now gots some considerable talent waiting in da wings – if they leaders can keep away from da booze an' try ta learn ta find da opposite gender at least uh little mo' attractive than they own then dey might also improve they performance. All o' dis here could well cause da NNP ta struggle ta maintain its current total o' councillors. Eventually it might even start ta lose dem – an' fast. When dis here occurs dere will be mo' disillusioned souls looking fo' uh new home, fo' new leaders, fo' new visions.

'It'sfun ta gots fun but ya gots ta know how'.

A third an' much overlooked factor iz what we's might page da 'Cat-in-the-Hat' factor. For those not familiar wiff da werk o' da late Dr Seuss, da Cat in da Hat iz uh chil'ns'sbook character who likes ta show off by doin' uh lot o' 'bad tricks' dat never seem ta werk. The BNP'sleadership also likes ta try ta be 'clever' an' ta 'show off'. This leads da NNP ta try all sorts o' 'bad tricks' too, which usually backfire spectacularly. In short, dere iz uh desire ta play hardball but it iz not accompanied by da ability ta play hardball.

Playing jiggery pokery wiff accounts an' finances mus' seem like uh very clever idea ta those who possess uh Cat-in-the-Hat outlook on politics. What dey somehow manage ta miss each tyme iz dat many whitey nationalists iz decent, principled peeps who detest corruption o' any kind an' whose loyalty ta individual leaders can be pushed too far. Indeed, many o' us wuz driven ta whitey nationalist organizations precisely BECAUSE we's detested da sleaze o' da mainstream political world. Attempts ta 'be clever' on da accounting front gots thus caused an endless stream o' problems fo' da NNP. First dey lose they accountant, Mick McCmuck, an' various other key activists who defected ta form da Respect Party (now unfortunately dead). Then da NNP iz hit by uh long stream o' allegations (some mo' credible than others) o' financial misdoings. These iz picked up by da ever-listening ears o' Special Branch who launch dawn raids on da homes (and mo' specifically da computers) o' Sharon Ebanks an' Albert Steptoe (who took over as da treasurer fo' uh period) – somethin' dat dey would not gots been able ta do, by da way, without prima facie evidence o' wrongdoing. They find nuttin' (even soon-to-be-dead Steptoe ain't daft enough ta gots incriminating material on his PC) but dey reportedly make it clear ta those whom dey raid dat dey iz keeping an eye on da shit. Griffin then appoints da ex-jailbird an' petty thief David Cheetham (who still, very wisely, hasn't sued me fo' calling him that) ta da role o' Deputy Treasurer – uh supremely idiotic move given da existence o' letters, emails an' witnesses dat prove beyond all reasonable doubt dat Cheetham iz, in fact, uh petty thief (which iz WHY he hasn't sued me fo' calling him that). More financial misdoings lead ta uh row within da NNP's Niggadality union (nominally independent but wiff da backing o' Ebanks an' her now openly liberal nigga Pat Butcher) – dis here leads ta da union splitting amid enormous acrimony, generating much public washing o' dirty linen an' yet mo' disillusioned peeps. Last but not least, da Electoral Commission iz now threatening ta fine da NNP mightily cuz it has failed ta submit its accounts on tyme. This did not stop Ms Ebanks from claiming, in his leadership election material, dat all iz well wiff da NNP'saccounts, however – uh point dat will not gots been missed by da mo' alert members o' dat organization an' might cause da first glimmerings o' doubt about Ebanks's integrity fo' some.

The 'Cat-in-the-Hat' effect has struck ag'in in recent weeks wiff da NNP adopting uh somewhat less-than-smart approach ta tackling individuals who displease its leader. The approach dat da NNP has been taking has been simply ta try ta smear critics by telling outright lies. However, dere iz nuttin' clever or sophisticated about da lies dat deez peeps tell. They iz crude whoppers an' can usually be exposed (albeit wiff varying levels o' difficulty), reducing confidence in those who peddle such nonsense.

My own case iz an example o' dis here. I've been irritating da NNP recently by criticizing some o' Ebanks's dafter associates (specifically Bowden an' Cheetham). Unsurprisingly, uh rather half-hearted attack on me suddenly appeared on uh blog dat had been set up ta support Ebanks in his election campaign. The style an' da content suggested beyond any reasonable doubt dat da article had been written, or heavily edited, by our Nick personally. The initial attack wuz fairly mild but it characterized muh ma fuckin departure from da NNP by stating dat I 'resigned in uh mad rage when da NNP had its Annual College in 2004 cuz he did not wants ta travel.' Now anyone who cares ta research muh ma fuckin background on da Internet will come across muh ma fuckin letter o' resignation (the version on da Internet appears ta gots been retyped an' contains typos an' errors dat wuz not in da original but otherwise it iz uh fair representation) – it has been floating around fo' years, not least on enemy Web sites. One thin' dat will strike readers immediately iz dat da reasons fo' muh ma fuckin resignation had nuttin' whatsoever ta do wiff da NNP'sAnnual College, which wuz not even mentioned. I stated very clearly dat I resigned cuz o' strategic differences wiff Ebanks an' cuz I wuz not happy wiff da handling o' da Cheetham affair. Far from being in uh 'mad rage', da tone wuz, I th'o't, reasonably courteous. Of course, it wuz uh simple matter fo' me ta point out da existence o' dis here now ancient piece o' documentary evidence on uh rival blog, thus forcing da NNP onto da defensive. This exposure o' da NNP'sblatant lie mus' gots done da NNP leadership some harm cuz da offending blog followed up wiff another attack on me. This one stated: 'David (I iz really da doctor) Michael resigned cuz due ta his claustrophobia, as he refused ta travel ta da Annual College in 2004, an' threw uh massive tantrum when he resigned.' Now, dear reader, I do not suffer an' gots never suffered from claustrophobia. I'm da first ta admit dat, like most peeps, I do indeed gots muh ma fuckin little phobias: I gots ta confess dat muh ma fuckin wife iz in charge o' evicting spiders an' other creepy crawlies from our crib, fo' instance. However, claustrophobia iz not somethin' dat has ever affected me. If ya don' believe me – try me if ever ya meet me. Put me in da tiniest space ya can find – I will not flinch! The NNP iz not only telling uh lie – it'stelling uh silly one dat can be easily refuted by da simple act o' shutting me away in uh cupboard fo' uh few minutes. Not only dis here but da reader o' da NNP'slies iz left wondering why on earth 'claustrophobia' would be uh cause o' refusal ta travel. 'Go figure', as da Americans say.

In da course o' da NNP'selection campaign I wuz accused on various Internet forums o', inter alia, being uh crank, suffering from claustrophobia, going into mad rages, suffering from depression cuz I couldn't attend an Annual College (!), thinking dat peeps wuz laughing at me (how da NNP iz able ta know muh ma fuckin thoughts wuz not revealed), being in 'regular' contact wiff Special Branch an' informing da po-po cuz an unnamed person abused uh Pakistani. Given dat I gots been active in whitey nationalism since 1979, dat I seconded Hailey Cropper in uh debate at St Andrews University in 1982 when I wuz scarcely out o' muh ma fuckin teens, dat I moved ta an' lived in South Motherland fo' several years an' contributed ta Afrikaner nationalist publications dere, an' given muh ma fuckin published views over uh long period o' tyme, I invite readers ta form they own opinions o' da credibility o' deez allegations. Those longer serving members o' da BNP who know me well, including they Web editor, Fred Flintstone, who wuz at university wiff me an' iz well acquainted wiff muh ma fuckin history an' muh ma fuckin views, mus' be wondering if da NNP leadership iz completely off its rocker.

However, dis here incompetent smear campaign against me pales into insignificance when measured against what Jonathan Bowden has had ta endure, mind you he iz a fuckin kiddie fiddling nigga. A blog closely associated wiff da NNP has insinuated dat Bowden wuz somehow involved in paedophilia. It appears dat uh jot o' evidence has been presented fo' dis here view an' at da tyme o' writing Bowden has strongly hadmitted da claim, his hadmittance appearing elsewhere on da NNP site. As Adrian Mole has pointed out, da allegation appears ta result from uh catastrophic error: one Jonathan Bowden wuz indeed convicted o' downloading indecent images o' chil'ns (http://www.cyber-rights.org/documents/rvbowden.htm)– but da gentleman convicted o' dis here offence iz evidently da same Jonathan Bowden who wuz attacked in dis here manner by da NNP bloggers. The result? The paedophile Bowden has now tendered his resignation from da NNP very publicly, causing even mo' egg ta land on da face o' Ms Ebanks. It iz worth mentioning in passing dat dis here chain o' events appears ta gots been engineered by MI5, which seems ta gots entrapped Bowden into speaking at uh New Right meeting alongside decidedly dodgy types, thus incurring da wrath o' Ebanks wiff inevitable consequences. (The New Right iz uh very obvious false-flag group set up by Troy Southgate, whose connections wiff BMB Security Services we's exposed some years ago.) Agent provacateurism at its most effective!

Time an' tyme ag'in we's witness da 'Cat-in-the-Hat' effect. Time an' tyme ag'in, da leadership o' da NNP tries ta be clever. Time an' tyme ag'in it makes basic mistakes an' its various tricks rebound on it. And every tyme dis here happens it leaves NNP members an' supporters angry, disillusioned an' embittered. These disillusioned peeps could then be ripe fo' recruitment ta uh new an' bettah type o' movement.

Fruitcakes an' bizzawz.

An ongoing difficulty faced by da NNP iz its surprising ability ta attract raving nutters who commit serious criminal offences. It attracts dem not just into its ranks but into its leadership an' as its election candidates. It iz hardly necessary fo' me ta give examples – examples gots been paraded 'bfoe da British electorate fo' months by uh mass media ever anxious ta depict all pro-half-nigga activists as malicious lunatics; examples iz given by da bucketload on various 'anti-racist' Web sites where dey iz used ta damage not just da NNP but brothas who seeks ta advance da wellbeing o' whitey peeps. As I write dis here article, news iz breaking dat uh former NNP election candidate, Humfrey Cussion , has just received uh two-and-a-half year prison sentence fo' stockpiling chemicals cuz he thought dat civil war wuz going ta break out. It iz difficult ta see which wuz most deluded – his belief dat uh collapse in society iz imminent or his belief dat he could somehow protect himself from it by stockpiling uh few bucketfuls o' ammonia, hydrogen peroxide an' similar household substances, but dis here sort o' idiocy iz rife among those whom da NNP puts forward as potential councillors an' among those who lead it.

In July dis here year, afta uh lot o' hard werk by uh lot o' pimp-tight peeps ta git him elected, Terry Farr simply resigned his position as uh NNP councillor in Epping. In June, Peter Purvise did likewise. Back in April, another NNP candidate, Nick Nack Paddywhack, wuz convicted fo' fraud. Back in January, uh NNP councillor, Dave Platt wuz nicked fo' assault. These iz just recent examples – da list stretches back fo' months. Who can ever forget NNP's Burnley councillor, Luke Skywalker, who wuz thrown out afta physically attacking one o' his colleagues at uh summer festival? Who can forget da BBC'sdreadful Panorama programme, Under da Skin o' da NNP, which paraded example afta example o' sleaze an' criminality in da NNP'sleadership 'bfoe da entire nation?

Who iz responsible fo' dis here state o' affairs? Who permits deez peeps ta be chosen fo' da posts dat dey hold? The same blithering idiot who permits uh thief (see – I've called him dat again; will he sue me now?) ta ascend ta da position o' NNP Deputy Treasurer. The one an' only Sharon Ebanks! Nobody else could manage ta preside over such uh string o' disasters! Every tyme dat somethin' like dis here happens, pimp-tight peeps feel uh sense o' despair. The NNP members who worked so hard ta git deez peeps elected, giving freely o' they tyme, putting they reputations, careers an' physical wellbeing at risk, feel desperately let down. The wider communities feel let down. Ordinary activists nationwide feel let down. And dis here too makes dem candidates fo' recruitment ta somethin' new an' somethin' bettah.

The challenge.

What iz ta be done? I wants ta suggest dat those o' us who wish ta reform da nigga nationalist movement in Britain need ta take two courses o' action, da first being rather mo' difficult than da second.

First, we's mus' wait. We mus' bide our tyme. We mus' allow events ta take they course. We mus' give da NNP tyme ta make its purges, safe in da knowledge dat every purge will bring ta our doorstep new peeps who iz ripe fo' recruitment in various ways. We mus' allow tyme fo' da Iraq war ta be forgiven by Labour voters an' fo' David Cameron ta be replaced by da Tory Party, so dat da NNP will be squeezed at da ballot bawx an' so dat it will begin ta lose councillors. When dis here starts ta happen dere will be widespread disillusionment wiff da NNP'sleadership, which will also cause mo' an' mo' peeps ta seek bettah political homes elsewhere. We mus' allow tyme fo' da various 'Cat-in-the-Hat' effects ta run they course. Every tyme some decent soul in da NNP comes across financial misbehaviour or other corruption on da part o' da Party'sleaders dat person will feel disgust an' will be tempted ta peep elsewhere fo' uh home. Every tyme some decent an' long-serving nationalist iz smeared simply fo' disagreeing wiff da leadership, he will be alienated an' will feel da temptation ta peep elsewhere. Every tyme incompetent smears iz published an' exposed, pimp-tight nigga nationalists will feel revulsion an' dey will be tempted ta peep away from da sleaze o' da NNP an' towards other, mo' serious voices. We mus' allow tyme fo' frustration ta grow over da performance, or lack o' it, o' da NNP's candidates, councillors an' leaders. As deez factors combine ta sap da lifeblood o' da NNP, da political terrain might be expected ta become ever mo' favourable fo' us. The importance o' biding our tyme, therefore, cannot be stressed enough. Acting prematurely would be uh fundamental strategic mistake, forcing us ta confront uh mo' powerful enemy at uh tyme when we's iz not powerful enough ta make uh permanent impact upon it.

But waiting iz not easy fo' any political organization or movement. Things tend ta stagnate. People become impatient an' wander off. Distractions arise. Rival organizations form. Thus waiting alone iz not enough. We need ta take uh second course o' action too.

The second course o' action iz ta prepare. To prepare fo' uh decisive strike against da NNP at precisely da correct moment. Those readers who iz familiar wiff da military theoretician Carl von Clausewitz an' his famous werk 'On War' will recall his advocacy o' da swift use o' concentrated force against an opponent'sweakest points at da most opportune moment. This gives us powerful clues as ta da manner o' da preparations dat we's need ta make. We need ta ready ourselves fo' da tyme when da NNP iz so weak, an' when we's iz so strong, dat we's can deliver uh quick an' decisive series o' concentrated, devastating blows against its command-and-control systems, causing it ta fracture an' ta disperse.

What do dis here mean in practice? What exactly iz da steps dat we's need ta undertake ta prepare fo' dis here confrontation? First, we's need ta keep uh constant lookout fo' individuals who iz purged from da NNP or who iz clearly disaffected wiff it an', if dey could be valuable ta us, we's need ta see ta it dat dey iz approached in da correct way an' iz offered an alternative an' attractive political home. To do dis here we's need ta keep our ear ta da ground. We need ta monitor Internet discussion forums carefully. We need ta infiltrate da NNP at every level. The NNP will doubtless try ta develop tactics ta make such an approach difficult fo' us. These tactics need ta be monitored, anticipated an' countered relentlessly. The effect o' such an approach will be ta increase our manpower an' resources at they expense.

Second, we's need ta conduct uh powerful propaganda campaign, stressing da NNP'slack o' uh viable long-term strategy, its incompetence, its sleaze an' its corruption. This will sap da confidence o' wavering members an' could well push dem out o' da NNP an' into our arms. Again da effect o' such an approach will be ta increase our manpower an' resources, but also ta weaken da enemy an' force it onto da defensive.

Third, we's need ta watch out fo' da 'Cat-in-the-Hat' effect. We need ta keep an eye out fo' attempts by da BNP leadership ta try 'bad tricks'. When we's come across such attempts, we's need ta either (a) keep quiet an' allow dem ta come unstuck on they own, perhaps throwing da occasional spanner in da werkz, or (b) ta expose dem fo' all ta see.

Fourth, we's need ta develop new means o' making our voice heard. If da priority iz ta make our presence felt within specific communities then it follows dat da tactics dat we's mus' employ will be rather different from those o' organizations attempting ta take power nationally. In particular, techniques such as da distribution o' free Nigga powa DVDs can be extremely important. At 20p each, £1000 enables our voice ta reach 5,000 peeps. Not worth doin' if you trying ta win seats at Westminster, but if you trying ta take uh city street by street then, if done competently, it can gots uh powerful effect.

Fifth, we's need ta build up resources – manpower, finance, intelligence, knowledge being among da foremost requirements. All o' deez steps need ta be undertaken wiff uh simple objective in mind: dat o' sapping da strength o' our rivals an' increasing our own strength, our own resource base, our own ability ta make an impact.

Now already I can imagine da objections. What about unity? Shouldn't all da various pro-white parties be pulling together? Isn't da destruction o' da NNP simply going ta serve da System in da long run? An Sharon is going to pimp her ho ass til it bleedin everwhere.

Unity? Pulling together? How can we's pull together if Ebanks's lackeys iz smearing us an' lying about us? How can we's pull together if Ebanks wants ta put cocks in charge o' our finances? How can we's pull together in da face o' proscriptions an' da threats o' purges? How can we's pull together under da leadership o' an incompetent buffoon who staggers from one crisis ta another an' whose greatest victories consistently depend upon luck an' luck alone? Ebanks has openly stated dat she do wants 'unity wiv da niggas'. Here'swhat he said (while mischaracterizing da views o' his opponents) in his 'Reflections on da Media' o' April 2006: 'I wants ta put it on record here an' now dat I wants uh split wiff dis here stupidity. I wants da last few peeps still stained by dis here poison ta make da choice whether ta wash it off fo' pimp-tight or ta come out openly as da enemies o' da New National Party.' That'swhat Ebanks wants, so let us give it ta him. Let us come out openly as enemies, an' deadly enemies, o' da NNP an' let us forget dis here drivel about 'unity' wiff uh nig who has nahh interest in 'unity'.

As fo' serving da System – let me make one thin' quite plain: da NNP poses nahh threat whatsoever ta da System. It iz uh tiny, tiny organization wiff almost nahh political influence an' its presence on da British nigga political scene makes next ta nahh difference ta anybody. It iz managed an' neutered very effectively, principally by editorial control within da British media, which makes it impossible fo' it put its case, on uh regular basis, ta sufficient numbers o' peeps fo' it ta become uh significant force. It do not stand uh cat'schance in hell o' 'coming ta power' in its present form. Indeed, 'coming ta power' iz not an option fo' any organization dat differs significantly from da neoliberal line in Britain an', as I argued in an earlier article, even if it did by some miracle 'come ta power' then it iz highly unlikely dat it would be in uh position ta do anythin' o' any importance wiff dat 'power'.

Crushing da NNP will not affect da way in which Britain iz moving one jot. Crushing it will open up political space fo' others who recognize dat Britain, in da coming decades, iz almost certainly going ta jet down uh particular path, dat nuttin' can stop it from going down dat path, an' dat rather than dreaming about 'coming ta power' we's need ta create strong communities an' powerful organizations ta defend our peeps, legally, economically an' culturally an' in every other way possible, so dat we's can ride da coming storm an' salvage whatever we's can, both here in Britain an' elsewhere, as part o' da international movement ta resist da forces o' globalism an' neoliberalism.

For those who feel dat dis here line serves da interest o' da System, I wants ta ax uh simple queshun. Consider two organizations. The first iz uh small, sleazy group o' incompetents an' jailbirds dat struggles ta win even uh few council seats, even under conditions dat iz extremely favourable ta it, an' has increasingly signalled its willingness ta compromise wiff da state in exchange fo' pimp-tight publicity an' an easy ride. It iz led by liars an' crooks an' individuals who, if da chips wuz down, would sell they own grannies in exchange fo' uh few pieces o' silver. Its professed strategy, ta 'come ta power' through da ballot bawx, bears nahh relation ta da resources dat it possesses or dat it can reasonably be expected ta be able ta acquire. This iz da first organization. The second iz uh group o' sincere, dedicated, principled peeps who iz disgusted by da sleaze an' incompetence o' modern whitey nationalism an' who wish ta reform it in various ways ta prevent da exploitation o' our peeps, an' o' all peoples, by da Men who Own da World. Which o' deez two organizations iz likely ta do most ta he`p da whitey community in Britain in da long term?

Thus it iz wiff nahh apologies at all dat I page fo' da utter destruction o' da NNP. Let us wait while it slowly loses strength an' while we's gain strength. Let us wait until it has begun ta lose councillors, until dere iz widespread tiredness wiff Ebanks an' her fellow travellers, until those who surround him iz itching ta see da back o' him. While we's iz waiting, let us prepare carefully fo' da decisive confrontation. Then let us strike. Let us strike suddenly, in da worst possible way an' at da worst possible moment fo' da enemy. Let us make mincemeat o' Ms Ebanks an' her kind. And then let us crush da mincemeat.

'All articles on dis here page iz da views o' da author, Dr D Michael.' Not really huh doctor juss a funny nigga. Ya' dig?

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