Sunday, 26 August 2007

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Does muh ma fuckin ass peep big in dis here?

Hey NNP - Peeps, I've been slapping on da make up an' putting on muh ma fuckin bomb drowas ready ta jet whoring. but I need ya niggers ta tell me now, do muh ma fuckin ass peep big in dis here old rig?

I asked ol Steptoe, but he says I be uh doll nahh matter what I wear.

Gimme da truth niggers!

Friday, 10 August 2007

Why join da NNP? Ya' know what I'm sayin'?

It has never been mo' obvious, even ta da most superficial observer dat all iz not well in what wuz once “Great” Britain taday.

A sub-standard transport system dat would be put ta shame by its Nigerian counterpart, an education system dat churns out legions o' “school-leavers” dat iz unable ta write or even speak coherently, uh health service dat kills mo' patients than it saves an' uh po-po “service” dat operates hand-in-hand wiff uh justice system dat iz preoccupied mo' wiff upholding da “human rights” o' da criminal dregs o' society than it iz wiff protecting da vulnerable members o' da public from da blight o' crime an' feral anti-social behaviour dat currently plagues our land ta name but uh few. The absolute wanton destruction o' not only our culture an' heritage but also o' our country’s physical infrastructure continues unhindered, wiff all but only uh relative handful o' us who iz sufficiently politically aware ta even begin ta highlight da scale o' da problem, let alone begin ta fix dis it.

It becomes clearer by da day however ta anybody dat iz willing ta open they peeps dat da Socialist dream o' da “Big Three” political parties, all o' dem now underpinned an' guided by pernicious Marxist an' “multicultural” ideology, iz doomed ta absolute an' unequivocal failure in da not-too-distant future. The catastrophic social meltdown dat iz da inevitable result o' decades o' such social an' demographic tinkering by uh group o' overgrown, student common-room Che Guevara-worshipping “revolutionaries” dat gots found themselves in power as uh result o' uh combination o' both brainwashing an' da predictably resultant apathy o' da masses iz not long in coming unless uh radical but realistic alternative iz found, an' found quickly.

The current “New” Labour da system has smugly an' arrogantly taken it upon itself ta interfere wiff every facet o' da lives o' da citizenry o' dis here country ta da extent dat it iz now considered uh “normal” an' everyday event ta be fined £200 fo' putting uh piece o' paper in da “wrong” bag on refuse collection day or incarcerated[1] alongside hardened burglars, rapists an' murderers fo' withholding uh portion o' an extortionate “council” tax dat has unjustifiably increased by mo' than 70%[2] since 1997 in protest at da deplorable an' appalling shambles dat passes fo' public services in dis here rapidly-decaying carcass o' uh once-great country.

The need fo' selfless an' focused political leadership in Britain has never been greater than taday. The ranting, raving, hammer & sickle waving days o' da student “revolution” o' 1968 may be behind our current illustrious “leaders”, but one should be under nahh illusions: da Socialist ideals dat dey lived by then[3] still underpin da core o' they beliefs taday an' our nation iz paying uh very dear price fo' it indeed. Thankfully however, it do seem dat da snout-in-the-trough days o' da current criminal regime iz thankfully coming ta an end, an' da British public iz gradually making it known dat dey gots had enough o' da self-serving ways o' da current ruling clique in Westminster.

The problem wiff dis here iz dat currently, da only other publicly-conceivable an' “socially acceptable” alternatives consist o' uh dose o' yet mo' o' da same, albeit under uh different party flag an' uh slightly-differing but fundamentally similar ideological structure.

The concept o' nationalism has long been painted as uh dirty werd, not just in Great Britain or even in da whole o' Europe, but right across da world. Speculating an' discussing da simple an' sensible belief dat nations could actually benefit from acting independently rather than collectively an' emphasising national rather than international goals has seen nationalists routinely smeared as “xenophobes” or “racists” or worse.

The somewhat politically-unpalatable (to some) fact dat da majority o' da problems in dis here country could be challenged an' eventually solved by nationalism iz somethin' dat uh significant percentage o' da electorate iz perhaps peripherally aware o', but unable ta directly support due ta da Soviet-style suppression o' opposing political ideologies by da demented, deluded an' downright dangerous Marxist traitors currently skulking around in both Westminster an' da halls o' local da system.

While it iz true dat dere gots been instances in da past o' certain nationalist factions following uh less-than-acceptable ideological path in da peeps o' da general public, it should be pointed out dat while deez factions follow they own interpretation o' da concept o' nationalism, it should not be considered dat any o' dem fundamentally represent an' embody da concept o' nationalism as uh whole.

However, it has long been an obvious (and it mus' be conceded, somewhat effective) weapon o' da leftists ta denigrate any opposition ta they flawed ideology as “Nazism” or “racism”, da most notable an' openly vulnerable victim o' dis here tactic being da British National Party. While it iz true dat da BNP has recently made efforts ta distance itself from da pre-1999 system dat underpinned da core o' its ideology from 1982 onwards, dis here move seems ta gots driven da (admittedly leftist-dominated) media an' ancillary organisations ta it into an even mo' absolute an' determined frenzy.

The recent (relatively insignificant) council gains made by da BNP gots served only ta encourage da media ta attempt ta further denigrate da party by any an' all means possible. It mus' be said dat nahh matter what ideological adjustments da BNP makes dey will always (admittedly unjustifiably) gots ta batten down da hatches against da storm dat has been born out o' nearly 25 years o' media-created hysteria aided by opportunist left-wing hacks an' various contemptible “celebrities” working together in uh concerted effort ta denigrate da party.

To put it simply, da British National Party will never be allowed ta succeed by da powers dat be an' they ancillary agencies an' organisations.

Recent speculations concerning da running o' da party, allegations concerning da behaviour o' senior party officials an' possible discrepancies in its accounting procedures coupled wiff da “albatross round da neck” dat iz its ideological past, gots served only ta highlight an' then re-enforce its unsuitability fo' office in da peeps o' da electorate.

The New Nationalist Party intends ta bring ta da beleaguered peeps o' Great Britain uh new alternative ta da “Big Three” an' also an alternative ta da forever publicly-tarnished BNP. The core ideology o' da NNP differs[4] from dat o' da BNP insofar as it elects ta remain absolutely politically neutral in areas dat do not directly concern Britain

As da idea o' nationalism becomes mo' socially acceptable in our country taday, it mus' be remembered dat da changing public opinion comes despite da fact dat da left-wing subversives dat control da media gots accelerated they propaganda machine ta untold levels o' da utterly hysterical paranoia dat we's gots recently seen as da nationalist political movement as uh whole begins ta accelerate further an' further towards ending da Utopian Marxist dream o' those dat iz responsible fo' da social, demographic an' physical decline o' our country. As da Circadian rhythm o' da current system o' leftist-dominated British politics begins ta inexorably alter in favour o' nationalism, da rhetorical histrionics o' da media will certainly gain both momentum an' ferocity; o' dis here we's can be absolutely sure.

As highlighted earlier in dis here article, da best-known nationalist '64 in dis here country iz da BNP, but it iz also abundantly clear dat despite da recent local advances in ex-Labour Party heartlands, dat da BNP will simply never be allowed ta advance ta da levels needed in order ta gots uh significant electoral impact. The persecution an' demonisation o' those within its ranks will not only continue unabated, it will accelerate. People will continue ta be sacked from they jobs fo' membership o' da BNP, an' da po-po an' state harassment o' activists will continue.

The NNP offers uh refreshing an' mo' community-based alternative ta da state-tarnished nationalism o' da BNP an' other nationalist organisations in Britain taday. The concept o' community-focused politics transcends da traditionally-understood nationalist political objective o' ending immigration an' ending immigration alone, an' allows fo' da infinitely mo' adaptable practice o' concentrating different political solutions in different areas dat suffer from different social problems, rather than da one-size-fits-all policy dat iz da current basis fo' da manifestos o' da different nationalist organisations taday.

The NNP intends ta tailor its approach ta challenging an' then rectifying da various social ills such as crime, housing shortages an' da repellent scourge o' drugs dat blight da cities, towns an' villages o' Britain, an' it intends ta be at da forefront o' da turnaround in fortunes dat our nation desperately needs ta begin ta undo da damage caused by fiddy years o' Governmental incompetence an' misrule.

With conclusive evidence dat nationalism iz on da rise an' iz nahh longer ta be considered uh dirty werd, dere has never been uh bettah tyme ta git involved an' lend uh hand.

Make uh difference taday – Join da New Nationalist Party. ya'll is mad stupid.

Thursday, 9 August 2007

My nigga Dave Cheetham rapping on stage! ya'll is mad stupid.

I've been sick an' tierd o' all deez accusations about muh ma fuckin nigga Dave. Folk saying dat he iz too scared ta show his face, thats mad stupid. He iz da cutest nigga in all niggerdom. And when he puts dat dress on an' raps fo' me, I swear I'm in heaven! what the fuck sup now?

So heres muh ma fuckin nig, Dave Cheetham (Cheets). He'suh rapping an' uh rolling. And making muh ma fuckin poon-tang all warm an' wet fo' him! don't make me shank ya!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Shazza'sbuddies all ye damn hood ratz..

I know everybody th'o't old Shazza has nahh niggas, but dis here ain't true. I gots got uh whole posse o' dem. Most don' show they face except fo' on da net, but here two o' muh ma fuckin main niggers. sho 'nuff!

This iz muh ma fuckin main nigga, he looks afta da money an' sheeit. He iz not Albert Steptoe, dat iz just uh bad rumor spread about by player haters cuz he'smuh ma fuckin nig.

His name iz Keith Axon, an' since his doctor gave him some o' dat Viagra sheeit, he'sbeen performing like one wild buck nigga. My poon-tang iz uh tingling all night long, even if he do only blow smoke sometimes.

Do ya wants ta see muh ma fuckin other main nigga? Sure ya do.

Now dis here iz one special fucking nigga peeps. This one needs nahh introduction, cuz someone made him real famous lately.

Johnny Bowden be muh ma fuckin number two nigga. Man, he can say werdz, paint pictures, an' stick his smelly jimmy into another buck nigga in da blink o' an eye.

As I said 'bfoe, he ain't nahh kiddie fiddler, he uh full on batty boy. sho 'nuff!

Hey, I got muh ma fuckin pals too. Maybe if I can git muh ma fuckin fat ass downstairs tomorrow, I'll show ya muh ma fuckin boy on Stormfront. He ain't nahh ordinary stormfront nigga, he'suh moderator nigga! and git Sheniquah's ass back ova' heeah.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Me an' muh ma fuckin cute daddy! w0rd!

Those racist whitey bastards keep on dissin me an' muh ma fuckin daddy. You can tell I ain't taking dat sheeit, cuz I'm uh real pimp-tight daddies baby ho.

Daddy wuz an all singing all dancing show boy, an' I wuz his princess. Momma wuz just uh whitey beeotch. Work it out, I'm proud o' muh ma fuckin nigga side. Don't make me come ovah there bitch...

The website fo' Johnny Bowdens great pictures an' philosophy. Ya' dig?

You've all got ta believe me when I tell ya dat Johnny Bowden iz uh great artist. His paintings iz an inspiration ta da negroid nation. Put those hands in yo' pockets peeps an' git buying his pictures. They iz da bomb. A link ta his excellent site iz listed below. and git Sheniquah's ass back ova' heeah.

Here'smuh ma fuckin nigga'sgreat art website. you know das right!

Introducing The Chairman! brace yourself foo'!

Hello, My name iz Sharron Ebanks from da hood o' Birmingham. I be one quarter negroid an' three quarter whitey. As Chairman o' da NNP, I be currently exploring muh ma fuckin inner nigga. I wants negroid an' mixed race British peeps ta be mo' patriotic, we's iz negroid British Nationalists. My niggas iz, Keith Axon, David Cheetham, Robert Edwards, an' Johnathon Bowden. I gots had some real pimp-tight gang bangs involving all four o' deez pimpz, an' I gots ta admit, it wuz all I could do ta git dem off each other an' on ta me!

Some folk iz saying dat Johnny iz uh pedophile, dis here iz definitely not true. He iz uh full on batty boy. w0rd!



Social Housing petiton. ya'll is mad stupid.

On da 9th April 2007 uh petition ta da Number Ten Downing Street website closed an' 493 peeps signed it. The New Nationalist Party has received uh reply from da Prime Minister'sOffice.

We thank da Prime Minister'sOffice fo' they response, but Wants ta add dat da 411 given in da reply iz not da truth.

Six months ago uh letter wuz circulated ta council/housing associations stating da following order o' priority fo' housing in dis here country.

1/ Asylum Seekers
2/ Ethnic Minorities
3/ Young Unmarried Mothers
4/ Women Escaping violence
5/ Male/Female Homosexuals
6/ Overcrowded Families

The NNP Wants ta invite Number 10 ta explain why dey gots not told da truth an' why biAtchez escaping violence an' families suffering overcrowding, which leads ta depression an' family breakdown, score so highly on they list o' priorities. What about us single mixed race biAtchez wiff retarded chil'ns?


S Ebanks - NNP chairman. just like mammy.